Monday, September 27, 2010

BlogNumber#1 Reseach Paper Proposal

    For my research paper I  would like to expand on previous works done last semester for my HSC 102 (Human Services) class on Carl Rogers. The course was designed to bring to prospective, what skills are required to become an effective  counselor/social worker and the means to acquire them . We also were introduced to how to engage in  healthy client contact, ways in which to gain client trust as well as connecting with ourselves in terms of our likes & dislikes ,prejudges (of any sort),as well as, any  preconceived ideas etc.
    We where  assigned to write what was called a "Meet The Therapist Paper". You were to chose one psychotherapist from a list of eight. I already studied  two therapist in previous courses,so I decided to gather information on the remaining six an get an idea of their theories to determine if they were interesting to me and of course if I could form a cohesive paper capturing their theme. I choose Carl Rogers  hands down because of his realistic and fluid way of writing. I could envision what he saw, how he felt and why, in reference to different situations he experienced  as a child,  in schools he attended throughout his life, as well as his working career.  Rogers was a psychologist who revolutionized psychotherapy by developing what was originally called "Non Directive Therapy". Non Directive Therapy is when the therapist doesn't lead nor dictate what they believe to be the problem/issue with the client or what should be done in order to repair the issue. The client directs the progression of the therapy.  Unfortunately, clients still came in wanting to be lead, so he changed the name to "Client Centered Therapy" the client should state what the issue is and find ways of improving and determining the conclusion of the therapy. The therapist role is to facilitate this process.
    After viewing"Is Education Killing Creativity" by Sir Ken Robinson a couple of weeks ago, I thought that revisiting Mr. Rogers theory and his views about education and creativity within the school system would be the perfect expansion of my paper. Rogers has held hundreds of encounter groups coupled with his own practice as a psychologist so I trust that he has varied opinions on different methods of learning and its effectiveness.I would like address the following questions:   
  1. What were his views on education 20 years ago?,
  2.  If & how he would change education then?
  3. Does he feel creativity is explored within the educational system with students?
  4. How he would enhance creativity within students/educational system?
  5. Is there a particular method of teaching that he feels was well received?
  6.  Did he have a vision for how education would turn out in the future?
  7.  Did it come to pass?
  8.  If he were to have opened a school, How would his curriculum be if any?
  9.  How would the structure of the school be in terms of principal, vice principal etc? 
  10. What was his thoughts on teachers?
  11. How he viewed the entire school system?
     In addition, I would  like to use books, articles, websites, and videos from any interviews that he may have done as resources for this paper.I  will leave the other components (his biography, his theory,and his style of therapy) in my  paper as I believe it will tie into his overall theme of people and how we facilitate learning though creativity in which we are able to best view situations that may arise in our lives.
I look forward to educating myself on this topic and to see if we share the same views concerning education.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cherry - I'm not going to write very much b/c we discussed some of this in class. You could look at John Dewey (maybe)... who was a big education reformer. Not sure who else.
