Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Anotated Biblography

Works Cited
Bring on The Learning Revolution. Dir. Ted Talks. Perf. Sir Ken Robinson. Ted Talks, 2010. Www.sirkenrobinson.com. You Tube, Feb. 2010. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. <http://SirKeRrobinson.com/skr/watch>.
Sir Ken Robinson views on the shift from standardized schools to personal learning, would be insiteful towards my paper.
Do Schools Kill Creativity? Dir. Ted Talks. Perf. Sir Ken Robinson. Sirkenrobinson.com. You Tube, 6 Jan. 2007. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. <http://sirkenrobinson.com/skr/watch>.
Here I would use this views on if schools are killing creativity or not and what could be done about it.
Evertson, Carolyn M., Joseph Murphy, and Mary L. Radnofsky. "Restructing Schools: Fourteen Elementary and Secondary Teachers' Perspective on Reform." The Elementary School Journal 92.2 (1991): 135-48. JSTOR. Web. 3 Oct. 2010. <http://JSTOR.ORG>.
Iwant to include the opinions on reform/ reconstruction of schools from teachers with diverse roles within the system.
Klein, Joel I. "Progress Report." New York City Board Of Education. New York City Government, 2010. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. <http://schools.nyc.gov/accountability/tools/report/default.htm>.
I intend on comparing the progress report of a grade A school to a F school. Then contacting each to see the differnces in programs,supplies,staffing ratio between teachers and students etc...
Koestler, Arthur. "Creativity Is The Defeat Of Habit By Originality." TeachingExpertise.com. Primary Headship, Dec. 2006. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. <www.teachingexpertise.com/articles/creativityinthecurriculm>.
I will use there defintion of creativity and how it can be achieved through different approaches.
Lubart, Todd I. "Investing in Creativity." Psychological Inquiry 4.3 (1993): 229-32. JSTOR. Web. 3 Oct. 2010. <http://JSTOR.ORG>.
Is creativity undervalued? Should we invest in it? This article will help me explore these questions.
Rocque, Geraldine E. "Educating for Creativity." English Education 5.1 (1973): 5-20. JSTOR. Web. 3 Oct. 2010. <http://JSTOR.ORG>.
I want to incorporate the idea that education should foster the creative imagination as a way of thinking.
Rogers, Carl. Freedom to Learn. Columbus: Merrill, 1969. Print.
Mr. Rogers views on education, creativity, schools and teachers is the basis for my theory of the lack of creativity within the school system.
Weston, Dave. "Creativity And The Primary Curriculm." TeachingExpertise.com. Primary Headship, June 2010. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. <www.TeachingExpertise.com/article/creativity>.
I'm using the dissussion of case studies within two different schools on how creativity and improved standards can co-exist.
Williams, Frank E. "Teacher Compentency in Creativity." The Elementary School Journal 68.4 (1994): 287-309. JSTOR. Web. 3 Oct. 2010. <http://WWW.JSTOR.ORG>.
Teachers utilize resent reseach on the development of creative thinking. I think this is important because you have to think creatively in order to motivate students.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm on the right path with my biblography. I think it will assist me in argueing that creativity can be addressed more within the New York City Public Schools.Carl Rogers views will also be incorporated into my paper.
